Pursuit of Performance
4 min readNov 24, 2023

Am I Building Authentic Connections Through Networking?

Networking is a crucial part of career development and plays a significant role in building social skills. It is often said that building authentic connections through networking can lead to unlocking opportunities that may not have been possible without those connections. However, the question remains, am I building authentic connections through networking? In this article, we will discuss the importance of building genuine relationships through networking and the impact it can have on your career development.


Networking is the process of building and maintaining relationships with people who can help you achieve your career goals. It involves reaching out to people in your industry or profession, attending events, and building a network of contacts. Networking is essential because it can help you gain access to job opportunities, information about your industry, and insights into your profession.

However, networking is often viewed as something that is done only when you need something, such as a job or information about a particular company or industry. This approach to networking is not effective in building authentic connections. In order to build genuine relationships through networking, you need to approach it with a different mindset.


Building relationships is about creating connections with people based on mutual interests and values. It involves getting to know people on a personal level and developing trust and rapport. In order to build authentic connections through networking, you need to focus on building relationships rather than just collecting contacts.

One of the most important aspects of building relationships is being authentic. Authenticity involves being true to yourself and your values. It is about being honest and transparent in your interactions with others. When you are authentic, people are more likely to trust you and want to build a relationship with you.

Another important aspect of building relationships is being curious. Curiosity involves being genuinely interested in other people and their experiences. When you are curious, you ask questions and listen actively. This helps you to understand people’s perspectives and build a deeper connection with them.

Career Development

Building authentic connections through networking can have a significant impact on your career development. When you have a strong network of contacts, you have access to a wider range of job opportunities. You also have access to information about your industry and profession that you may not have had otherwise.

In addition, building authentic connections through networking can help you develop your skills and knowledge. When you have a strong network of contacts, you have access to people who can mentor you and provide you with guidance and advice. This can help you to develop your skills and knowledge and advance in your career.

Social Skills

Building authentic connections through networking can also help you to develop your social skills. Social skills are the skills that enable you to interact effectively with others. They include communication skills, listening skills, and empathy.

When you are building relationships through networking, you are practicing and developing your social skills. You are learning how to communicate effectively with others, how to listen actively, and how to empathize with others. These skills are essential in all areas of life, not just in your career.

Unlocking Opportunities by Building Genuine Relationships

Building authentic connections through networking can lead to unlocking opportunities that may not have been possible without those connections. When you have a strong network of contacts, you have access to a wider range of job opportunities. You also have access to information about your industry and profession that you may not have had otherwise.

However, in order to unlock these opportunities, you need to focus on building genuine relationships. This means being authentic, being curious, and being patient. Building relationships takes time and effort, but the rewards can be significant.

In order to build genuine relationships through networking, you need to focus on the following:

  1. Be Authentic

Authenticity is key to building genuine relationships through networking. When you are authentic, people are more likely to trust you and want to build a relationship with you. Be true to yourself and your values, and be honest and transparent in your interactions with others.

  1. Be Curious

Curiosity is essential in building genuine relationships through networking. When you are curious, you ask questions and listen actively. This helps you to understand people’s perspectives and build a deeper connection with them. Be genuinely interested in other people and their experiences.

  1. Be Patient

Building genuine relationships through networking takes time and effort. You need to be patient and willing to invest time in building relationships. Don’t expect immediate results, but instead focus on building long-term relationships.


In conclusion, building authentic connections through networking is essential in career development and in building social skills. It involves building relationships based on mutual interests and values, being authentic, being curious, and being patient. By focusing on building genuine relationships through networking, you can unlock opportunities that may not have been possible without those connections. So, ask yourself, am I building authentic connections through networking? If not, it’s time to start focusing on building genuine relationships.

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